Picking a Roofing Contractor in Long Grove: What to Look For


Picking a Roofing Contractor in Long Grove: What to Look For

Maybe your shingles are failing to serve their intended purpose? Perhaps you’re looking to update the aesthetic of your home? Regardless, you’re looking to install new roofing in Long Grove, Illinois.

Now, all that’s left to do is to find a reputable Long Grove roofing contractor. The only problem is, maybe you’re not sure how to do it?

Finding a reputable roofing contractor is not a difficult process. All you have to do is ask a few questions and do a little research, and you’re sure to find someone who can get the job done well.

When doing your researching, these are the key things you should focus in on:

Ample Experience

The first thing you’ll want to consider when choosing a roofing contractor is experience. While an inexperienced roofer might be able to provide good work, you don’t want to risk your time and money on it.

Generally, it’s wise to choose a roofer with at least 5 years of experience in the field. A roofer who has worked for at least this length of time has likely proven his or her ability to get the job done correctly.

A Positive Reputation

Another key aspect to choosing the right roofing contractor is getting a grasp of his or her reputation. Generally speaking, a roofer with a positive reputation will provide quality work. Conversely, a roofer with a negative reputation will likely provide poor work.

The best way to get a feel for a specific roofer’s reputation is by looking him or her up on review sites such as Facebook, Google, and Yelp. If reviews are primarily positive, he or she is likely worth a hire. If they’re primarily negative, he or she likely offers poor service.


It’s also vital that, when choosing a roofing contractor, you pay attention to whether or not he or she has insurance. If you hire an uninsured roofing contractor, and if they cause damage to your property, you can be held liable for those damages. Conversely, if you hire an insured roofing contractor, their insurance company will cover any damages. The same is true of injuries to employees.

At a minimum, roofing contractors should have general liability insurance and workers’ compensation insurance. If your prospective roofer does not have this insurance, you should look for a different one.


In the State of Illinois, professional roofing contractors are required to pass an exam in order to obtain licensure. Therefore, before hiring a roofing contractor, it’s important to ensure that he or she has the proper license.

If a contractor is not licensed, they are operating illegitimately and should be avoided at all costs. You can check the legitimacy of a specific roofer’s license by utilizing the state license lookup tool.

Affordable Rates

You don’t want to utilize services that you can’t afford. For this reason, before hiring a roofing contractor, you should ask him or her for an estimate of the work that’s to be done. Any reputable roofer will provide you with an estimate without resistance.

Looking for a High-quality Roofing Contractor in Long Grove?

If you’re reading this blog post, it’s probably because you’re looking for a roofing contractor in Long Grove, Illinois. If so, look no further. Aspen Exterior Company is the company to call.

With a team of skilled and seasoned roofers, we have installed new roofs on countless homes throughout the Long Grove area. Whether you’re looking to install asphalt shingles, cedar shakes, or otherwise, we can accommodate you.

Contact us now to discuss your roofing needs!

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