What Are the Most Popular Residential Siding Options? Insights from a Siding Replacement Company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois

What Are the Most Popular Residential Siding Options? Insights from a Siding Replacement Company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois

Are you planning on updating your homes siding this fall? If so, there are several great materials on the market today, which can make it difficult to decide on the right one. That’s where we can help.

To help you decide on the right exterior siding option for your home, this siding replacement company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois is going to review some of the most popular options below.

Wood Siding

First, we’ll focus on wood siding. This is perhaps the traditional siding material — one that has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. It has many benefits, but some definite drawbacks as well.

One of its biggest upsides is its aesthetic. Wood siding is natural and beautiful, and it will instantly enhance the look of any property where it’s installed. In addition, it can be painted and stained to take on a variety of colors and styles.

Functionally speaking, it offers excellent insulation and moisture coverage when properly installed by a siding replacement company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. It can also last as long as 50 years, provided that it receives the necessary maintenance.

However, it’s important to note that wood siding requires a great deal of maintenance. Not only must it be cleaned twice a year or so, but it must also be sealed, painted, and stained every five years or so. This adds a great deal to its overall cost.

While many homeowners love their wood siding, it’s not the best option for everyone. Its initial cost is middle-of-the-road. However, when you factor in maintenance requirements, it becomes relatively expensive.

Vinyl Siding

Vinyl is one of the most popular siding options in existence, and for many reasons. For one, it’s the most affordable option, at least in the short-term. In addition, it requires very little in terms of maintenance. In most cases, it just needs to be cleaned from time to time.

When it comes to aesthetics, many homeowners consider vinyl siding to be good but not great. This is mainly because it has a bit of a “mass manufactured” look when you inspect it closely.

Vinyl siding does not require much when it comes to maintenance and upkeep. However, it does need to be replaced every 30 years or so.

Fiber Cement Siding

We’ll wrap up this discussion with fiber cement siding. This material makes a strong case as one of the best siding materials on the market today. It thrives on essentially every front.

First and foremost, fiber cement siding is durable. It lasts well over 50 years, and with limited maintenance. In most cases, you’ll just need to clean it lightly from time to time.

It’s also known for being aesthetically pleasing. Designed to look like treated wood, most siding replacement companies in Elk Grove Village, Illinois offer it in a wide variety of colors and styles.

Fiber cement siding provides top-notch protection. When installed correctly, there’s essentially no chance of moisture making its way through. it’s also lined with insulation, which helps make homes much more energy efficient.

There is one potential downside to fiber cement siding: it’s relatively expensive. That said, if you have the budget for it, it’s an option that will pay for itself off over time. In fact, it’s the most cost-effective option with all things considered.

Looking for a Siding Replacement Company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois?

Have you decided on the right exterior siding option for your home? Ready to have it installed by the best siding replacement company in Elk Grove Village, Illinois? If so, Aspen Exterior Company is the top choice.

Our team is well-versed when it comes to installing all types of residential siding. Regardless of your preferences and needs, we can get the job done right. Contact us today at (847) 590-5600 to request a free quote.

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